Friday, March 20

Holy Crap (the remix)

If you haven't seen the original, uncut version of this assault on intelligence, well check here. All I can say is "WTF?" Throughout the Rodger Clemens hearings, the Free The Hops effort here in Alabama and crap like this, it's a wonder our government can manage to wipe its collective ass.

U.S. (really?!?) Congresswoman Corrine Brown

Corrine's Wiki


  1. Erik,

    I contacted you towards the end of 2008 to see if you had any interest in blogging for I was wondering if you got a chance to read my comment over, and if you have any interest in the offer. Get back to me whenever you can at


  2. I can't believe I just lost over two minutes of my life watching that.

    Erik, glad to see you're back in the game, although sparingly.

  3. time spent laughing at an illiterate United States Congress-Woman is never wasted, artiger.

    The posting is rare, but I'll be updating the blog from time to time through out the off-season. Don't give up on me just yet.

  4. All right, I'll start checking you again.

    Meanwhile, I'm going to move to Florida and run for Congress. Getting elected shouldn't be too hard.
